Saturday, 10 February 2007

Iraq Veterans Against the War

This powerful and moving piece of writing by an excellent writer conveys something of the futility and pain of being a soldier who starts as an idealist, then realises that he, and most of the people serving in the current war, have been lied to and are considered readily disposable.

Soldier Voices! was created by Ronn Cantu, the author of Iraq Veterans Against the War, as a forum for soldiers to speak their minds on the war and share their Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder experiences. It has become a forum for service members (from all branches) and civilans alike to debate the Iraq war. There are current and former Soldiers, Marines, Airmen (no Seamen yet), Iraq vets, Vietnam vets, dependants and civilians (American and foreign).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.